dimarts, 12 d’octubre del 2021

Classic culture and technology: a nice couple!

When the expression "classical culture" is mentioned, one associates it with issues far away in time. Keep in mind that technology starts in parallel to human evolution. Thus, the Greeks developed skills in commerce and shipyards, and surpassed the Persians largely thanks to the naval power, forged in technology. The manual work depended on the slaves, the workers of the time that guaranteed productivity over possible new sources of energy. In fact, Greek and Roman education did not focus on manufacturing or physical work.
The technology sought to save on efforts, although the technological advances of the Greeks did not fully agree with theoretical knowledge. Heró de Alexandria (creator of the dioptra, a topography instrument), Ctesias, Ptolemy, Tales of Miletus (and their navigation triangulation systems) and the well-known Archimedes (inventor of the hydraulic spindle) investigated the principles of technology. Devices such as fire pumps, handles, levers, pulleys, toothed wheels, siphons, turbines or valves. The first map of the world corresponds to Anaximander.
In the case of the Romans, they applied the technology in organization and construction, creating systems of public works. The introduction of cement and the beginning of the arch allowed the Romans to build more than 70,000 km. of roads A well-enclosed Roman Empire, with the addition of aqueducts, sewers and bridges. The public toilets and the circuses gave a playful nature. The water mill and hydraulic wheels with upper and lower thrust allowed grinding, sawing and cutting marble. In the warlike area, the creation of the javelin and the catapult placed the Romans in a stage of advantage in the struggles.
In the case of the Romans, they applied the technology in organization and construction, creating systems of public works. The introduction of cement and the beginning of the arch allowed the Romans to build more than 70,000 km. of roads A well-enclosed Roman Empire, with the addition of aqueducts, sewers and bridges. The public toilets and the circuses gave a playful nature. The water mill and hydraulic wheels with upper and lower thrust allowed grinding, sawing and cutting marble. In the warlike area, the creation of the javelin and the catapult placed the Romans in a stage of advantage in the struggles.
Another perspective on the relationship between technology and classical culture, jumping into the 21st century, comes from the Internet spreading. In the classic environment we find the roots of the Broadband Society, the scientific theory coined by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, international leader in communication and telecommunications and author of the scientific blog Telecomunicaciones y Periodismo, also leader in his field.
Access to texts and documentation is simpler thanks to the international broadband networks. How they evolve and how they can disseminate content is a fundamental aspect for students of the classical world. That is why it is highly recommended to attend the XXVI Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (2022). Classic culture and technology: a nice couple!